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R.R. Gonzalez1, P. Sullivan 2, W.T. Matthew1, L.A. Blanchard 1 and D.J. Lugg2, 1U.S. Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine, Natick, MA, 2Australian Antarctic Division, Kingston, Tasmania.

The general response to acute cold stress is vasoconstriction and increased heat production (M) via shivering. Both skin and internal body temperatures (Tc) must be lower than a fixed threshold before shivering (ΔM = M-Mbasal) occurs. Several thermoregulatory models include ΔM algorithms as a ƒ(Tc, Tsk). Other models include ΔM as a ƒ(% body fat (%BF), lean body mass (LBM)). We examined how well 3 models predict ΔM for a given cold stress in a data set of resting women and men prior to their sojourn for a year in Antarctica. Six women and 29 men (%BF ranges 10-46%) resting semi-supine, unclothed except for underwear + smock (RT =0.022 m2·K·W-1), were exposed for 2 h to cold air. Fifteen men and 5 women completed a cold stress test (CST group: Ta=5.7±0.6SD °C;rh = 50%;V=0.2m·s-1) and a separate group of 14 men and 1 woman completed a cool test (Cool group: Ta = 8.4±1.3SD °C). Extensive peripheral (Tsk and finger temperatures) vasoconstriction occurred during the CST and less so in the Cool, elevating mean resting temperature pill level (Tc) by +0.15-0.2°C for the first 30min followed by a mean decline in Tc of -0.01°C/min. ΔM (W·m-2) at 5 time points was compared against 3 model predictions: (1) Tikuisis and Giesbrecht (Tik-G), 1999: ΔM = 156·(37-Tc) + 47·(33- Tsk) - 1.57·(33- Tsk)2 ·%BF-0.5; (2) Stolwijk and Hardy (S-H), 1977: ΔM = [13·(Tc -37) +0.4·(Tsk-34)]·(Tsk-34) and (3) Tikuisis et al., (Tik), 1991: ΔM/LBM = {0.0422·(35.4-Tsk)2}/(%BF)0.506. Root mean square deviation (RMS) comparing ΔM vs each model output is shown in the Table.

Data vs Model RMS (W·m-2)
Men (N=14)
RMS (W·m-2)
RMS (W·m-2)
Women (N=5)
obsΔM vs Tik-G 28.4±8.2
Cool group
CST group
CST group
obsΔM vs S-H 23.2±16.3
Cool group
CST group
CST group
obsΔM vs Tik † 23.7±15.7
Cool group
CST group
CST group

[**RMS Comparison between models P<0.0001; all others NS. †Normalized to W·m-2. No women in Cool group]. RMS from the Tik-G was < then the S-H prediction in the CST group of men. All predictions were equal in RMS in the Cool groups. For %BF ≤ 20%, Tik-G was highly correlated with integrated mean body temperature (Tb,I) derived from partitional calorimetry (R2=0.89; P<0.001; ΔM(Tik-G) = -33.5·(Tb,I) + 1226). ΔM calculated from cold-air models incorporating %BF, Tc and Tskinputs serve as reliable predictors of shivering response over a limited cold stress for both men or women.

Stolwijk, J.A.J., and Hardy, J.D., 1977. Control of body temperature. In:Handbook of Physiology-Reactions to Environmental Agents. Am.Physiol. Society, Rockville, MD, Chapter 4, pp 45-68.

Tikuisis, P., and Giesbrecht, G.G. , 1999. Prediction of shivering heat production from core and mean skin temperatures. Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. 66,221-229.

Tikuisis,P, Bell, D.G., and Jacobs, I., 1991. Shivering onset, metabolic response, and convective heat transfer during cold air exposure. J.Appl. Physiol. 70,1996-2002.