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Free fatty acid receptor 4 activation induces lysophosphatidic acid receptor 1 (LPA1) desensitization independent of LPA1 internalization and heterodimerization

A. Meizoso-Huesca,1,2 S. Villegas-Comonfort,1 T. Romero-Avila1 and A. Garcia-Sainz,1 1Instituto de Fisiología Celular, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, C.U., Av. Universidad Nº 3000, 04510 México City, México and 2School of Biomedical Sciences, The University of Queensland, St, Lucia, QLD 4072, Australia.

Lysophosphatidic acid is one of the main mitogenic compounds of blood serum. Its functions are mediated by a family of 6 GPCRs (known as LPA1-6) expressed differentially among the tissues of the body. On the other hand, the Free Fatty Acids Receptor 4 (FFA4) is a well-known GPCR of long chain free fatty acids that has been related to anti-diabetic and anti-inflammatory processes as well as brain development.

In different cancer types (prostate, breast, and ovary), FFA4 activation has been proven to block mitogenic features of LPA1 activity. In consequence, the crosstalk between these receptors is of pathophysiological relevance.

The aim of this study was to explore the crosstalk between LPA and FFA4 employing co-expression of fluorescent protein-tagged receptors on HEK 293 cells. Functional FFA4-mediated LPA1 desensitization was assessed by calcium fluorometry of cells in suspension and western blotting. As a classic negative-regulation modification, phosphorylation of receptors in response to their agonists was tested: FFA4 activation induced phosphorylation of both receptors. As expected, LPA1 activation induced phosphorylation of LPA1, but not of FFA4. LPA1 activation drove internalization of both receptors into heterogeneous types of vesicles. FFA4 agonist led to internalization of FFA4 but not of LPA1, suggesting a desensitization mechanism independent of the internalization of the receptor. Dimerization of GPCRs in response to a stimulus has been shown to induce modifications in pharmacological properties of these proteins, leading to changes of the affinity for their ligands. In order to test this, fatty acid-induced FFA4-LPA1 interaction was observed using Forster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) and co-immunoprecipitation; however, such interaction took place once the desensitization was already established. Data indicate that FFA4 activation induces LPA1 desensitization in an internalization-independent mechanism and that during the first moments of this desensitization, heterodimerization does not play a relevant role.