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Geelong meeting sponsors
Education Workshop

Sunday 8th December 2013 (2 - 5.30pm)­ Deakin University Waterfront campus


We are delighted to announce that Murray Jensen from the University of Minnesota will be giving the presentation on POGIL. Murray gave a keynote presentation at the IUPS Education workshop in Bristol in July this year and has some wonderful examples of POGIL activities in physiology.

The POGIL presentation will lay the groundwork for the following presentations on the "Flipped Classroom" in which the invited speakers will illustrate how they have been using the "Flipped Classroom" in their own teaching and will provide a forum for a dialogue about how the "flipped Classroom" can be used in physiology education. Time will be allocated in the second part of the workshop for participants to engage in trialling videos of their own and constructing worksheets (including POGIL) as a first step towards adopting this pedagogy.

If members have any data or cases they would like to present at the end of the program can they please inform so that some time can be allocated to them.