AuPS Meeting AuPS

25th - 28th November 2018
Sydney, NSW

Abstract Preparation and Submission

Abstract submission for Free Communication and Poster Sessions has now closed.

Abstract Preparation

Please adhere to the following guidlines when preparing your abstract for submission:

Abstract Submission

The server will ask you what type of abstract you are submitting and for free communications, what programming category you would prefer. It will then ask you to enter your title, authors and author details. If your title or any author names contain characters that you cannot type in with your browser, HTML can be used. Help on HTML characters will be available. The server will display to you the title and byline it will use in your abstract and in the program and indexes and allow you to make corrections. It will then ask you to provide the body of your abstract. If it is simple abstract you can cut and paste the text; otherwise you will probably want to upload a file. You should have available a file in one of the following preferred formats: HTML, RTF, or plain text

If you are using OpenOffice, MSword, or WordPerfect, please save your text as an RTF file. Please note that this file must not contain the title and byline, as this is inserted from the information you provide for our database.

Illustrations must be uploaded as separate files, not embedded in a document file.

Please note: The reason for requesting PDF or PostScript is to enable the preparation of a quality PDF version of your abstract that can be printed at high resolution. To achieve this aim, the PostScript needs to be generated by the graphical application. Including an image or a scan within a PostScript file is possible, but does not achieve the aim of producing an infinitely scalable quality result.

Special characters (any that do not appear on your keyboard) can present problems when converting file formats as must occur when both web and print versions of the Proceedings are prepared. If your submission includes such characters, please check them carefully in the preview window. If there are any problems, append to the body file a section entitled "For the editor" and define in words the symbols used. We can then ensure no translation errors have occured in subsequent steps. For example this section might include: β: Greek lower case beta; :μ: Greek lower case mu; ∼: approximately; ±: plus/minus sign.

Please note: you must be a financial registrant before submitting an abstract.
Student members can nominate if they wish to be considered for student prizes (oral and poster) during the registration process

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Abstract Submission