ISSN 0067-2084 |
Volume 49 |
2018 |
Whole issue (1 Mbyte)
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Dedicated to the Memory of
William (Liam) Burke (1922-2018) |
AuPS 2018 Sydney Meeting |
AuPS Invited Lecture | |
Taming the beast: targeting the L-type calcium channel to reduce cardiovascular morbidity and mortality L.C. Hool | 1P |
Symposium: Ion channel function | |
Piezo1 mechano-sensor in vascular physiology and disease D.J. Beech | 2P |
Mechanoelectrical transduction at the cell-substrate interface K. Poole, S. Sianati, N. Bavi & J. Richardson | 3P |
A TRiP through the mechanical world of TRPP channels C.D. Cox, CA. Ng & B. Martinac | 4P |
Ion channels in pain pathways: insight from venom peptides I. Vetter, J.R. Deuis, M.R. Israel, A. Mueller & T. Durek | 5P |
Symposium: Shift work: beneficial effects of exercise and the timing of meals | |
Timing is everything: exercise & nutrition as ‘Zeitgebers’ that influence circadian biology J.A. Hawley | 6P |
Can exercise overcome the negative metabolic effects of shift work? G.K. McConell | 7P |
Altering the timing of meals to improve metabolic and cognitive performance outcomes in shift workers S. Banks | 8P |
Impact of shift work on sleep, alertness and cognitive function– can “splitting” sleep reduce the adverse effects of night shift work? M.L. Jackson | 9P |
Free communications: Exercise physiology | |
Effects of hypoxia on skeletal muscle molecular adaptations to heavy resistance training A.C. Petersen, J.J. Fyfe, M.W.H. Inness, L. Parker, F. Billaut & R.J. Aughey | 10P |
MicroRNA expression in female skeletal muscle mitochondria following a single bout of endurance exercise H. Dillon, J. Silver, S. Alexander, S. Lamon & G.D. Wadley | 11P |
Initial orthostatic hypotension: effects of tilt speed and hand position on finger arterial blood pressure during head-up tilt S. Green & D. Boulton | 12P |
Investigating exosomal microRNA and lipidomic profile in response to acute endurance exercise in males and females S. Alexander, S. Lamon, J. McMullen, Y.K. Tham & G.D. Wadley | 13P |
Expression of putative mechanosensing signalling proteins in skeletal muscle after power resistance exercise and feeding in resistance-trained men S.G. Wette, H.K. Smith, G.D. Lamb & R.M. Murphy | 14P |
MiRNA expression in skeletal muscle mitochondria following an acute bout of endurance exercise J. Silver, H. Dillon, S. Loke, S. Lamon & G.D. Wadley | 15P |
Symposium: Metabolic implications of vascular dysfunction | |
Skeletal muscle microvascular blood flow and insulin action M.A. Keske | 16P |
The skeletal muscle endothelium: the barrier within C.M. Kolka | 17P |
Metabolic-vascular coupling: pericytes regulate capillary blood flow D. Premilovac, E. Attrill, N. King, L. Brown & B. Sutherland | 18P |
The physiological importance of flowmotion S.J. Blackwood, R.M. Ross, S. Rattigan, R.D. Russell, S.M. Richards & M.A. Keske | 19P |
Free communications: Skeletal muscle and disease | |
ACTN3 genotype influences androgen receptor signalling and skeletal muscle mass regulation in health and disease K.N. Roeszler, F.C. Garton, L.R. Meehan, C.F. Tiong, P.J. Houweling, P. Gregorevic, J.T. Seto & K.N. North | 20P |
Reproducibility and ethical concerns of Notexin as an acute animal injury model A.L. Pascoe, A.J. Johnston, L. Jenkinson, C. van der Poel & R.M. Murphy | 21P |
Therapeutic potential of slow muscle programming by low-frequency stimulation in dystrophic mice J.P. Hardee, J.G. Ryall, T. Naim, K.J. Martins, S.M. Gehrig, R. Koopman, G.R. Steinberg & G.S. Lynch | 22P |
Dot blotting for fibre type identification of single muscle fibres: a fast, reliable and sample-sparing method D. Christiansen, M.J. MacInnis, E. Zacharewicz, H. Xu, B.P. Frankish & R.M. Murphy | 23P |
Cholesterol lowering prevents ambulatory dysfunction in muscular dystrophy Z. White, N. Milad & P. Bernatchez | 24P |
Movements of calcium in skeletal muscle fibres in the absence of calsequestrin C.R. Lamboley, L. Pearce, D.P. Singh & B.S. Launikonis | 25P |
Mechanisms of Ca2+ release in human and toad skeletal muscle in response to halothane D.P. Singh, L. Pearce, C.R. Lamboley & B.S. Launikonis | 26P |
Free communications: Regulating cellular function | |
The mechanism of Orai channels dependence on intracellular pH G.Y. Rychkov, F.H. Zhou, M. Adams, L. Ma & G.J. Barritt | 27P |
TRPM2 channels contribute to liver ischemia and reperfusion injury F.H. Zhou, J. De Haas, K. Kingma, J. Hua, E. Kheradpezhouh, A.D. Burt, G.J. Barritt & G.Y. Rychkov | 28P |
Human and non-human intestinal NHE3: Human NHE3 demonstrates increased susceptibility to inhibition and unique regulation by ubiquitin K.A. Jenkin, S. Lin, Y. Han, P. He & C.C. Yun | 29P |
Mitochondrial ROS generated at the complex-II matrix or intermembrane space microdomain has distinct effects on redox signalling and stress sensitivity in C. elegans A.J. Trewin, L.L. Bahr, A. Almast, A.Y. Wei, B.J. Berry & A.P. Wojtovich | 30P |
Different vasodilator mechanisms in intermediate- and small-sized arteries from the hindlimb vasculature of the toad, Rhinella marina M.S. Cameron & J.A. Donald | 31P |
New insights into the regulation of uterine contractions in human labour R.I. Siriwardhana, D. Sekali, C. Adams, M.A. Tonta, P.J. Sheehan, H.A. Coleman, S.P. Brennecke & H.C. Parkington | 32P |
Gestational diabetes mellitus is associated with an altered placental glucocorticoid receptor isoform profile, increased human placental lactogen mRNA expression and placental glycogen accumulation N.L. Kent, O.J. Holland, A.V. Perkins & J.S.M. Cuffe | 33P |
Posters | |
Exploring how compartment-specific changes in NAD biosynthesis influence the response to endurance training T.V. Lakeland, A.F. Samsudeen, L.K. Metcalfe, H. Govindaraju & N. Turner | 34P |
Acute continuous moderate-intensity exercise, but not low-volume high-intensity interval exercise, attenuates postprandial suppression of circulating osteocalcin in young overweight and obese adults L. Parker, C.S. Shaw, E. Byrnes, N.K. Stepto & I. Levinger | 35P |
The effect of hypoxia on older adults’ muscle strength and mass responses to resistance training G. Allsopp, S. Hoffmann, J. Pasco, A. Russell & C.R. Wright | 36P |
Evidence from a mouse model that high levels of circulating dihydrotestosterone increases skeletal muscle mass and force production in isolated fast- and slow-twitch muscles in males and females but reduces recovery from fatigue in females L. Kiriaev, S.I. Head, J.W. Morley, K. Walters & D.J. Handelsman | 37P |
Sex-specific epigenetic adaptations to endurance exercise S. Landen, S. Voisin, S. Lamon & N. Eynon | 38P |
Determination of heat production in human skeletal muscle from measurements of basal Ca2+ movements C.J. Barclay & B.S. Launikonis | 39P |
Miniature inhibitory postsynaptic current in cerebellar Purkinje cells of old dystrophic mdx mice C.Y. Tan, S.L.L. Kueh, S.I. Head & J.W. Morley | 40P |
Choline as a nutritional intervention to alleviate the dystrophic pathology in mdx mice R. Koopman, F. Alves, M.K. Caldow, M.K. Montgomery, J. Trieu, T. Naim, M.J. Watt & G.S. Lynch | 41P |
Elevated MuSK expression restores dystrophin-associated proteins to the sarcolemma of mdx muscle fibres J.L. Huang, J. Ban & W.D. Phillips | 42P |
Free fatty acid receptor 4 activation induces lysophosphatidic acid receptor 1 (LPA1) desensitization independent of LPA1 internalization and heterodimerization A. Meizoso-Huesca, S. Villegas-Comonfort, T. Romero-Avila & A. Garcia-Sainz | 43P |
Evidence of neuromuscular junction remodelling during periods of prolonged muscle inactivity in amphibians D. Ge, P.G. Noakes & N.A. Lavidis | 44P |
The role of ADAMTS5 in extracellular matrix remodelling in diet-induced insulin resistance B.T. Tepper, C. Swinton, S.T. Bond, T. Connor, M. Ellis, K. Aston-Mourney, C.S. Shaw, S.L. McGee & K.F. Howlett | 45P |
The influence of GWAS-based gene variants on the bone-remodelling marker Osteocalcin in the Gene SMART study D. Hiam, S. Voisin, X. Yan, S. Landen, M. Jacques, E. Byrnes, T.C. Brennan-Speranza, I. Levinger & N. Eynon | 46P |
Post-myocardial infarction exercise training improved calcium sensitivity and cardiac function J.Q. Zhang, E.A. Wason, M.A. Garza & E. Chung | 47P |
The role of protein kinase D in cardiac glucose metabolism in diabetic cardiomyopathy M.C. Renton, K.A. De Jong, L.G. Hall, T. Connor, S.D. Martin, G.M. Kowalski, C.R. Bruce, C.S. Shaw, S.L. McGee & K.F. Howlett | 48P |
Use of vibration platforms to increase total limb and skeletal muscle microvascular blood flow A.C. Betik, L. Parker, G. Kaur & M.A. Keske | 49P |
Effect of gestational diabetes on endothelium-dependent vasodilation of human myometrial and omental arteries T.V. Murphy, L.R. Leader & S.L. Sandow | 50P |
Family history of Type 2 diabetes alters muscle capillary perfusion after a meal K. Roberts-Thomson, A.C. Betik, L. Parker, G. Kaur, G.D. Wadley & M.A. Keske | 51P |
Divergent autophagy responses in the liver and skeletal muscle of diabetic (db/db) mice M.G. Morales-Scholz, C. Swinton, K.F. Howlett, R.M. Murphy, S.L. McGee & C.S. Shaw | 52P |
Posters | |
Symposium: Metabolic and signalling dysregulation in cardiac stress | |
Novel mechanisms linking metabolic signaling and mitochondria to the pathophysiology of heart failure E.D. Abel | 53P |
Molecular mechanisms of cardiac metabolic stress pathology L.M.D. Delbridge | 54P |
Autonomic dysregulation in the diabetic heart R.R. Lamberts | 55P |
Orphan G protein-coupled receptor GPR37L1 and the cardiovascular system: variability across methods and models J.L.J. Coleman, M.A. Mouat, K. Jackson, R. Smythe, D. Newington, C. Stanley, R.M. Graham, R. Stocker, G. Head & N.J. Smith | 56P |
Free communications: Skeletal muscle and metabolism | |
MMP2 and MMP9 in wild-type and mdx mice with taurine supplementation X. Ren, R.G. Barker, G.D. Lamb & R.M. Murphy | 57P |
A metabolic role for the Hippo signalling pathway effector Yap in adult skeletal muscle fibres K.I. Watt, D.C. Henstridge, M. Ziemann, M.K. Montgomery, D. Samocha-Bonet, N.A. Mellet, R.S. Lee-Young, R.E. Thomson, A. Hagg, J.R. Davey, H. Qian, A. El-Osta, J.R. Greenfield, P.J. Miekle, M.J. Watt, M.A. Febbraio, A.J. Cox, K.F. Harvey & P. Gregorevic | 58P |
Development of a human skeletal micro muscle platform with pacing capabilities R.J. Mills | 59P |
Metformin divergently regulates the unfolded protein response and reduces protein synthesis and autophagy in palmitate-treated myotubes B.D. Perry, J.A. Rahnert, Y. Xie, D. Espinoza, B. Zheng, P. Zhang & S.R. Price | 60P |
Inflammatory regulation by Selenoprotein S is not responsible for the loss of muscle performance A.B. Addinsall, C.R. Wright, T.L. Kotsiakos, C. van der Poel & N. Stupka | 61P |
Isoproterenol enhances force production in mouse glycolytic and oxidative muscle via separate mechanisms S.J. Blackwood & A. Katz | 62P |
Liver one-carbon metabolism affects the integrated stress response and systemic metabolic control T. Gantert, A. Maida, M. Warrier, S.H. Zeisel & A.J. Rose | 63P |
Symposium: The genome and epigenome of the exercising skeletal muscle | |
What do we know on the genome of the exercising muscle? N. Eynon | 64P |
New insights into the influence of ACTN3 on muscle performance J.T. Seto | 65P |
Developing epigenetic biomarkers - applications for exercise J.M. Craig | 66P |
Racing against the (epigenetic) clock: exercise training slows down epigenetic aging in skeletal muscle S. Voisin, N. Harvey, S. Lamon, J. Denham, D. Hiam, M. Jacques, S. Landen, J. Alvarez-Romero, K. Ashton, L. Haupt, M.E. Lindholm, F. Marabita, D. Rowlands, L. Griffiths & N. Eynon | 67P |
Free communications: Cardiac physiology | |
Cardiomyocyte ErbB4 receptors are essential for neonatal cardiac hypertrophy and growth, and also maintain cardiac function in adult mouse hearts M.E. Reichelt, Z. Lu, R. Cockburn, Z. Wang, T. Paravicini & W.G. Thomas | 68P |
Glycogen dysregulation and cardiomyocyte dysfunction in a rat model of type 1 diabetes L.J. Daniels, V.L. Benson, M. Annandale, L.M.D. Delbridge & K.M. Mellor | 69P |
Functional screening in human cardiac organoids for new regenerative therapeutics R.M. Mills, B.J. Parker, G.A. Quaife-Ryan, H.K. Voges, E.J. Needham, A. Bornot, M. Ding, H. Andersson, M. Polla, D.A. Elliott, L. Drowley, M. Clausen, A.T. Plowright, I.P. Barrett, Q.-D. Wang, D.E. James, E.R. Porrello & J.E. Hudson | 70P |
Acute oestradiol slows conduction and prolongs action potential duration in the left atrium, but not in cardiomyocyte cultures S.P. Wells, H.M. M Waddell, C. O'Shea, P. Kirchhof, D. Pavlovic, L.M.D. Delbridge & J.R. Bell | 71P |
Characterization of RyR2 function in failing human atria A.L. Denniss, A.F. Dulhunty, P. Molenaar & N.A. Beard | 72P |
STBD1 regulation of myocardial glycogen content E.J. Chan, U. Varma, C.L. Curl, P. Koutsifeli, K.M. Mellor & L.M.D. Delbridge | 73P |
Free communications: Neural mechanisms | |
Noise-induced hearing adaptation kinetics of the ‘cochlear amplifier’ maps to P2X2 receptor-dependent auditory brainstem response temporary threshold shift J.M.E. Cederholm, A.F. Ryan & G.D. Housley | 74P |
Concatenated GABAA receptors reveal diverse molecular phenotype of epilepsy-causing mutations N.L. Absalom, V. Liao, P.K. Ahring, D.C. Indurthi, M.T. Bowen, J.C. Arnold, I.S. McGregor & M. Chebib | 75P |
Cannabinoids increase synaptic vesicle filling at the neuromuscular junction M. Morsch, D.A. Protti, D. Cheng, F. Braet, R.S. Chung, S.W. Reddel & W.D. Phillips | 76P |
The neuromuscular junction - the hidden player in MND: studies from MND model mice and MND patients P.G. Noakes, S.T. Ngo, K.M. Lee, K. Chand, N.A. Lavidis, K. Kesavan, J. Kumar, E. Wimberger, T. Tracey, A. Russell, E. Wolvetang, P. McCombe, R. Henderson & L. Jeffree | 77P |
The role of the Alzheimer's disease protein amyloid beta 42 in heart disease L.G. Hall, J.K. Czeczor, T. Connor & S.L. McGee | 78P |
Symposium: The structural basis of electrical signalling: latest developments in the structural analysis of ion channels and transporters | |
Structural basis of function and regulation of endolysosomal TRPML channels M. Li, X. Zhou, K.W. Zhang, D. Su, N.M. Benvin, H. Li, S. Wang, I.E. Michailidis, X. Li & J. Yang | 79P |
Cryo-EM structure of a gating modifier–sodium channel complex reveals the complex molecular basis of allosteric modulation of channel gating G.F. King | 80P |
Understanding the mechanisms of hERG channel gating and drug inhibition using cryo-EM C. Lau, M. Hunter, A.G. Stewart, M. Clarke, E. Perozo & J.I. Vandenberg | 81P |
Investigating the role of conformational change of the pore in Kir channel gating J.M. Gulbis, K.A. Black, D.M. Miller, O.B. Clarke, A.P. Hill, J.R. Bolla, C.V. Robinson, B.J. Smith, D. Laver, R. Jin & S. He | 82P |
The split personality of glutamate transporters: a chloride channel and a transporter I. Chen, Q. Wu, R.J. Cater, R.J. Vandenberg, J. Font & R.M. Ryan | 83P |
Symposium: Maternal Influences on fetal physiology | |
Maternal microbial and metabolic influences on programming reproductive and metabolic outcomes D.M. Sloboda | 84P |
Maternal effects on offspring metabolism and behaviour – impact of diet and stress Margaret J. Morris | 85P |
Impact of maternal cigarette smoke exposure on brain health, lessons learned from a mouse model H. Chen, Y.L. Chan, N.M. Jones, S. Saad & B.G. Oliver | 86P |
Elevated maternal linoleic acid reduces male fetal survival N. Shrestha, J.S.M. Cuffe, O.J. Holland, A. Cox, A. Bulmer, A.V. Perkins, A.J. McAinch & D.H. Hryciw | 87P |
Plenary Lecture | |
Common principles across physiological systems W.F. Boron | 112P |
Symposium: Rigor and reproducibility in physiological research | |
Reproducibility: why you should be worried? S.C. Gandevia | 88P |
Building rigour in exploratory rodent studies of neuromuscular disease M.D. Grounds | 89P |
Symposium: Enhancing student engagement: flipping, quizzes, study tools, condensed units and professional development | |
Revolutionizing first year: an innovative block model to improve student engagement and success K. Tangalakis & S.T. Howe | 90P |
Activating the classroom to enhance student engagement and learning S. Flecknoe, C. Filby, A. Davies, R. Cooper, K. Schliephake & K. Carroll | 91P |
Engaging biomedical students with their course via in-curriculum professional development J. Choate, M. Demaria, M. Etheve, S. Cran & D. Carroll | 92P |
Biomedical science students’ active engagement in study tool creation and use K. Colthorpe, K.W. Lam & L. Ainscough | 93P |
Medical students engaging in physiology via a national quiz competition A.J. Moorhouse, M. Dunn, H. Suh, K. Parameshwaran, S. Muralidaran, M. Lim & H.M. Cheng | 94P |
Symposium: Immunometabolism and disease | |
NLRP1 exacerbates colitis-associated cancer through IL-18, with effects on butyrate producing Clostridiales S.L. Masters | 95P |
Eosinophils in adipose tissue energy expenditure A.J. Knights, E.J. Vohralik, P.J. Houweling, K.L. Hoehn, M. Crossley & K.G.R. Quinlan | 96P |
New insights into inflammasome signalling and inhibition K. Schroder, D. Boucher, M. Monteleone, R.C. Coll & K.W. Chen | 97P |
The novel designer cytokine IC7Fc protects against obesity-induced metabolic disease M.A. Febbraio | 98P |
Microbiota components that improve endocrine control of metabolism in obesity and ageing J.D. Schertzer | 99P |
Symposium: Adipose tissue - physiology and pathology | |
Identification of metabolically distinct adipocyte progenitor cells in human adipose tissues M.J. Watt & A. Raajendiran | 101P |
Pericardial adipose accumulation and cardiac pathology – mechanistic insights J.R. Bell | 102P |
Effects of oestrogens on adipose tissues W.C. Boon | 113P |
Education free communications | |
‘Let’s not keep it private’: Schooling background and student preparedness transitioning into university I. Rutenberg, L. Ainscough, K. Colthorpe, T. Langfield & J. Kibedi | 103P |
Improved student engagement and outcomes using a multi-purpose online platform – an alternative option for the one-on one tutor in large classes S. Orgeig, S.S. List, B.J. Mayo, G. Todd, A.M. Stringer & E.J. Parkinson-Lawrence | 104P |
Matching teaching strategies to learning style preferences in an undergraduate physiology module H. Nagaraja, G. Harrison, B.K. Anupama & M.A. Bunmi | 105P |
Evaluating the redevelopment of a physiology online postgraduate unit S. Lamon & I. Story | 106P |
Working as partners: a student-staff collaboration in the redesign of a major biomedical capstone course V. Hasa, I. Rutenberg, C. Panaretos, I. Tucker, O. Jordan Pearson, K. Colthorpe & C. Young | 107P |
Lessons learnt from redesigning a major biomedical capstone course C. Young, J. Bowles, L. Lluka, V. Hasa & K. Colthorpe | 108P |
Tertiary physiology educators' perspectives on internationalisation of physiology education S.J. Etherington | 109P |
Work integrated learning in the science curriculum D.H. Hryciw | 110P |
Michael Roberts Lecture | |
Adventures in flipping the classroom G.D. Wadley | 111P |
Education Workshop - MCQs and SAQs in Australian Physiology Education |
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