Travel Grants

AuPS Student Travel Grants

Student members presenting at the 2022 AuPS Conference in Hobart are eligible to apply for travel support.

To be eligible, applicants must:

  • be members of the AuPS or have applied for membership,
  • present a poster or oral communication at the meeting.

Students may claim up to $400 if travelling from Perth, up to $150 if travelling from Melbourne or Sydney, or up to $250 if travelling from Adelaide, Brisbane, Gold Coast, or other regions.

Please email your completed claim form and copy of travel receipts/invoice to the AuPS Treasurer:

ASB Travel Grants

Student grants

An amount up to $300 per student will be available to support students of the Australian Society for Biophysics who attend the annual conference and present a paper, and who reside outside the city in which the conference is being held. The ASB Executive will determine the amount provided to a student based on the budget provided, available funds and the number of bursary applications.

For more informatin on eligibility and the application process, visit ASB Student Bursaries

ECR grants

The ASB are also assisting with ECR attendance by offsetting early bird registration to a reduced rate of $250. This reduced rate is available to ASB members who received their PhD in the last seven years (taking into account career interruptions). To access this rate, please email the ASB secretary Dr Donna Whelan ( with your PhD graduation date and your current role.

ASB Jan Anderson Carers Award

The Jan Anderson Carers Award offers financial support for ASB members with primary caring responsibilities whilst they are attending scientific conferences. Visit ASB The Jan Anderson Carers Award page for more information

AuPS Invited Speakers: Expenses

International speakers who have been invited to present at the 2022 AuPS Conference in Hobart (symposia or invited lecture) may be eligible to claim some costs associated with travel. Please email your completed claim form and copy of travel receipts/invoice to the AuPS Treasurer:

Thank You to our Meeting Sponsors