AuPS - UK Physiological Society Exchange Lectures

Year Lecturer From Title Issue
2001 N. Standen Phys. Soc. -
2002 D.I. Cook AuPS -
2002 J. Ashmore Phys. Soc. Cochlear nanomechanics and the origin of the ear's sensitivity to sound -
2004 D.J. Beech Phys. Soc. Emerging functions of 10 types of transient receptor potential (TRP) cationic channel in vascular smooth muscle 36(1)
2007 M. Dunne AuPS Congenital hyperinsulinism: from bench to bedside .... and back? 38
2008 C.P. Sibley AuPS Exchange Lecture: Fetal Growth and Placental Physiology: From Cell to Community 39
2010 (Feb) D. Attwell Phys. Soc. Exchange Lecture: Brain power: How the brain's energy supply determines the computational power of neurons. -