AuPS Membership

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Prospective members

Ordinary Membership

A person seeking Ordinary Membership of AuPS would normally be expected to hold a recognised higher degree in a discipline related to the professional interests of the Society and to have a documented achievement in research and/or a significant record of tertiary teaching in their discipline. It would normally be expected that the person would already have participated in meetings of the Society.

At present the annual membership subscription is AUD$100 for members resident in Australia and AUD$60 for members permanently or temporarily (at least one year) overseas. Financial members who retire may retain their membership without further subscription payments if they advise the Society of their retirement.

Student Membership

A person undertaking an honours or post-graduate degree in a relevant discipline is eligible for student membership. At present a single subscription of AUD$100 is payable, which provides membership for up to four years (five years for an honours student).

There are substantial benefits in Student Membership which include eligibility for Student Prizes and Travel Grants, and substantial reductions in the fees for attending one of the Society's scientific meetings.

Student Members also receive all Society notices, Newsletters, Papers and Proceedings, but are not voting members of the Society.

Applications for Membership

Application for membership can be made through our online application system.

Subscription Information

The subscription is currently AUD 100 per annum for full members and AUD 60 per annum for overseas members. Student members are charged AUD 100 on joining and this provides membership for up to 4 years. Financial members who retire can retain their membership without further subscriptions by notifying the Society of their retirement. Sustaining members are charged AUD 500 per annum.

Full member discount offer: You can pay your current year subscription plus two years in advance and receive a 10% discount (and protects against rate increases). This option will be on offer when you follow the on-line payment link. Choose this option carefully, as there are no refunds once you have paid your subscription.

You will be notifed by email when subscriptions become due. You can check on your subscription status along with your other membership details via the members portal.

The financial turnover of the AuPS is below the threshold for mandatory GST registration. AuPS is a registered charity with an Australian Business Number 65 820 412 570 but it is not registered for GST. So there is no GST component in your membership fee.

You may pay your subscription via credit card using the online secure payment service.

Queries about the financial aspects of payment should be sent to the AuPS Treasurer or Membership Officer.

Honorary Members

Retrieved 34 members.

Professor David G. Allen

Emeritus Professor Peter H. Barry

Professor Christopher Bell (deceased)

Professor Peter O. Bishop (deceased)

Adjunct Professor Allan H. Bretag

Emeritus Professor W. (Liam) Burke (deceased)

Professor Geoffrey Burnstock

Dr John J. Carmody

Professor David R. Curtis

Professor Roger A.L. Dampney

Dr David F. Davey

Professor Angela F. Dulhunty

Sir John Eccles (deceased)

Professor Peter W. Gage (deceased)

Professor Colin L. Gibbs

Emeritus Professor Mollie E. Holman (deceased)

Professor Paul I. Korner (deceased)

Professor William R. Levick

Prof Anthony R. Luff

Professor Eugenie R. Lumbers

Dr Ian McCance

Professor Archie K. McIntyre (deceased)

Professor Elspeth M. McLachlan

Professor Emeritus Frederick A.O. Mendelsohn, AO

Professor Trefor O. Morgan

Professor Uwe Proske

Prof Stephen Rattigan

Professor Mark J. Rowe (deceased)

Professor Ann E. Sefton

Dr Sandy L. Skinner (deceased)

Professor D George G. Stephenson

Assoc Prof Igor R. Wendt

Emeritus Prof Saxon W. White

Professor John Atherton Young (deceased)

Professor Derek Laver
Professor Dirk van Helden
Emeritus Prof. Miranda Grounds
