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AAbela, R. 116P Adams, A.M. 82P Ainslie, P.N. 111P Al Dera, H.S. 36P Alewood, P.F. 66P Allen, A.M. 14P Allen, D.G. 58P, 84P Anderson, G.P. 53P Ansell, T.K. 118P Anthony, D.A. 53P Anzai, N. 89P Arthur, P.G. 16P, 19P, 64P Assan, E. 64P Atkinson, G. 111P Ayon, R.J. 6P |
BBailey, C.H. 25P Baillie, B.K. 7P, 46P Bakker, A.J. 16P, 17P, 18P, 51P, 52P, 63P, 64P, 82P, 88P Baptista, R. 65P Bashour, R. 43P Beard, N.A. 102P Behrendorff, N. 90P Bennet, L. 122P Berry, C. 51P Black, A. 110P Blackburn, A.C. 102P Boase, N. 62P Bocking, A. 112P Bodnar, D. 67P Bongiorno, D. 62P Botting, K.J. 121P Bozinovski, S. 53P, 54P Bröer, A. 93P Bröer, S. 93P Brait, V.H. 96P Braun, A.P. 2P Brien, J. 112P Brock, J.A. 36P, 116P, 128P, 129P Brooks, D.A. 121P Broughton, B.R.S. 54P, 96P Budzyn, K. 113P Burd, N.A. 108P |
CCairncross, A. 48P Camera, D.M. 108P Campbell, C.R. 92P Cannell, M.B. 57P, 58P Cao, N. 104P Carrington, M.C. 114P Cederholm, J.M.E. 60P, 61P Chai, J. 86P Chai, S.Y. 103P Chaisskul, J. 13P Chan, C.T. 113P Chang, Y. 19P Chaston, D.J. 7P Chee, A. 23P, 28P Chee, K. 101P Cheesman, M.J. 76P Chen, S. 76P Chester, N. 76P Chin, K.Y. 104P Choate, J. 71P Chong, C.-R. 15P Church, J.E. 14P, 21P, 23P Clarke, N.F. 80P Cody, A. 76P Coffey, V.G. 108P Coleman, H.A. 13P, 112P Cook, A.M. 44P, 45P Cook, D.I. 42P, 92P, 94P Cottee, D.B. 131P Cromer, B.A. 69P Cruz, A. 117P Cserne-Szappanos, H. 67P Csernoch, L. 67P Cully, T.R. 87P |
DDavey, R.J. 41P Davies, J.E. 110P Davies, S.M.K. 12P, 99P Davis, A.J. 6P Davis, E.A. 41P Davis, M.J. 2P, 38P De Luca, A. 1P, 83P De Matteo, R. 112P De Silva, T.M. 113P Delbridge, L.M.D. 10P, 31P Della Gatta, P. 65P Demmer, D.L. 52P Denton, K.M. 70P, 71P Dickson, T.C. 22P Dienes, B. 67P Dinudom, A. 42P, 92P, 94P Dixon, C.L. 69P Dolai, S. 90P Drummond, G.R. 54P, 113P Drury, N.E. 15P Du, X.-J. 101P Dulhunty, A.F. 66P, 102P Dunlop, S. 86P Dutka, T.L. 29P |
EE. Sharman, J. 35P Edwards, J.N. 87P Edwards, L.M. 22P, 33P Efimov, I.R. 55P Elliott, A. 74P Evans, R.G. 70P, 71P |
FFairweather, S. 93P Fear, M.W. 63P Febbraio, M.A. 21P Fernandes, L.B. 75P Filipovska, A. 12P, 99P Finnin, B.A. 8P Fletcher, S. 82P Fournier, P.A. 16P, 41P Frenneaux, M.P. 15P Froud, K.E. 60P, 61P |
GGaisano, H. 90P Gallant, E.M. 66P Gashev, A.A. 38P Gaspari, T.A. 103P Gehrig, S.M. 21P Gervasio, O.L. 84P Ghazanfari, N. 81P Girling, J. 37P Gooi, J.H. 37P, 130P Gorelik, J. 98P Gray, D.A. 39P Green, D.J. 107P Green, S. 109P Greer, K. 82P Gregorevic, P. 23P, 85P Grennwood, I.A. 6P Grills, B. 26P Grounds, M.D. 19P, 86P Grzelak, M. 17P Guelfi, K.J. 41P Gunther, R.A. 131P |
HHaddock, R.E. 127P Ham, D. 27P Hammer, G.L. 41P Harding, R. 112P Hargreaves, M. 68P Harvey, T.J. 34P Hashitani, H. 97P Hawley, J.A. 108P Haynes, J.M. 8P Henry, P.J. 47P Henstridge, D.C. 21P Hill, A.P. 56P Hill, C.E. 7P, 46P, 127P Hill, M.A. 2P, 3P Hilmer, S.N. 73P Hodgson, W.C. 13P Hodgson, Y.M. 71P Hong, W. 90P Hool, L.C. 99P Horne, J. 35P Horowitz, J.D. 15P Horvath, D. 26P Hosie, K. 22P Housley, G.D. 60P, 61P Hryciw, D.H. 91P Huang, R.-C. 123P Hwang, H.S. 59P |
IIlkovski, B. 80P Imtiaz, M.S. 32P, 57P |
JJacob, T. 76P James, A.L. 48P Janczura, M. 102P Jelinic, M. 130P Jenkin, K.A. 91P Jenkins, A.J. 3P Jennings, G.J. 114P Johansen, N.J. 116P Johnsen, R.D. 82P Jones, E.S. 113P Jones, H. 111P Jones, R.L. 48P Jones, T.W. 41P Joyner, M.J. 105P Ju, Y.K. 58P Juelich, T. 93P Julien, J.P. 61P Justice, T.D. 41P Jutabha, P. 89P |
KKalinin, A.V. 55P Kalinin, V.V. 55P Kaumann, A.J. 101P Kemp-Harper, B.K. 104P, 125P Kenna, K.R. 112P Kennedy, T. 26P Kim, D.Y. 100P Kingwell, B.A. 124P Kiriazis, H. 101P Klenowski, P. 101P Klugmann, M. 61P Knollmann, B. 59P Ko, M. 60P Kong, C.H.T. 57P Konstantakopoulos, N. 13P Koopman, R. 14P, 27P Krause, K.H. 54P Kreissl, M. 80P Kumar, S. 62P, 92P Kurstjens, N.P. 114P |
LLabartcava, E.Z. 55P Lagerqvist, E.L. 8P Laing, N.G. 77P Lam, A. 66P Lam, J. 88P Lamb, G.D. 20P, 24P, 29P Lamboley, C.R. 24P, 29P Lamon, S. 21P Lang, R.J. 97P Larkins, N.T. 20P Launikonis, B.S. 87P Laver, D.R. 32P, 57P, 59P Lavin, T. 51P, 82P Lawler, N.G. 22P, 35P Leblanc, N. 6P Lee, I.H. 42P, 92P, 94P Léger, B. 25P Li, J. 32P Licari, J. 15P Lim, E.M. 41P Lim, E.X. 53P Lim, I.G.J. 16P Lim, R. 96P Long, P. 76P Lopez Sanchez, M.I.G. 12P Lopez-Rodriguez, E. 117P Lynagh, T. 69P Lynch, G.S. 14P, 21P, 23P, 25P, 27P, 28P Lynch, J.W. 69P |
MM. Edwards, L. 35P Mackie, E.J. 18P Maloney, S.K. 39P Manchadi, M.-L. 76P Marais, M. 39P Mason, S. 65P Matthaei, K.I. 7P, 46P Mattick, J.S. 12P Mayne, R.J. 25P McAinch, A.J. 91P McCaig, L. 117P McFawn, P.K. 48P, 118P McGillick, E.V. 40P McKenna, M.J. 24P, 29P McLeod, D.D. 131P McMahon, C. 86P McMillen, I.C. 40P, 121P Mehra, D. 59P Mellor, K.M. 31P Mercer, T.R. 12P Mitchell, H.W. 48P, 118P Molenaar, P. 32P, 101P Moore, J.E. 38P Moore, J.P. 113P Moritz, K.M. 120P Morley, R. 112P Morrison, J.L. 40P, 121P Morsch, M. 81P Morton, S.K. 46P Moss, T.J.M. 50P, 51P Moulton, H.M. 82P Murphy, K.T. 28P Murphy, R.M. 20P, 24P, 29P, 87P Murphy, T.V. 3P Musgrove, R. 22P |
NNaim, T. 14P Naser, N. 3P Naylor, L.H. 106P Nguyen, M. 97P Nikolic, S. 35P Noble, P.B. 48P, 51P, 118P North, K.N. 79P, 80P Nourian, Z. 2P Nygård, K.K.A. 12P |
OO'Neill, T. 63P Orgeig, S. 40P, 117P Ospina, O.L. 117P Ottenheijm, C. 78P |
PPagano, D. 15P Pagel, C.N. 18P Parkington, H.C. 13P, 112P, 130P Parry, L.J. 37P, 130P Parsons, G.H. 131P Patuzzi, R.B. 44P, 45P Pepe, S. 11P Perez-Gil, J. 117P Peters, J.M. 22P Phillips, S.M. 108P Phillips, W.D. 81P Picardi, M.V. 117P Pillow, J.J. 51P, 52P Pinniger, G.J. 17P, 18P, 51P, 52P, 63P, 64P, 82P, 88P Pong, W.Y. 103P Poronnik, P. 62P, 91P Possmayer, F. 117P Posterino, G.S. 34P Potocnik, S.J. 5P Pouton, C.W. 8P |
QQin, C. 104P Quail, A.W. 131P |
RRackham, O. 12P Radley-Crabb, H. 86P Rea, S.M. 63P Reardon, T.F. 129P Reddel, S.W. 81P Reeder, E.J. 109P Retterath, A.J. 41P Richardson, M. 37P Richman, T.R. 12P Rikard-Bell, M.J. 3P Ritchie, R.H. 31P, 104P Roberts, C. 119P Roberts-Thomson, P. 110P Russell, A.P. 21P Russell, F.D. 72P Ryan, A.F. 61P Ryan, R.M. 43P, 95P Rychkov, G.Y. 4P |
SSaint, D.A. 74P, 100P Sallustio, B.C. 15P Sandow, S. 61P Sayer, T.A. 21P Scallan, J.P. 38P Schertzer, J.D. 21P Schneider, M.F. 67P Schultz, M.G. 110P Scopelliti, A.J. 95P Selemidis, S. 54P Semmler, A.B. 101P Seow, H.J. 53P, 54P Sharman, J.E. 110P Shavlakadze, T. 19P, 86P Shearwood, A-M.J. 12P Simcocks, A.C. 91P Sitparan, K. 18P Smith, J.J. 66P Sobey, C.G. 54P, 96P, 113P Sohma, Y. 2P Song, S.H. 42P, 92P, 94P Sopov, O.V. 55P Stambas, J. 54P Staples, J. 117P Stapleton, D.I. 27P Stewart, S. 114P Suri, L.N.M. 117P Suturin, V. 13P Swemmer, C.H. 114P Szabo, L. 67P Szentesi, P. 67P |
TTadros, S.F. 61P Tare, M. 13P, 37P, 112P, 130P Taylor, C.E. 111P Taylor, K.W.E. 96P Terril, J. 64P Thiele, I. 33P Thomas, S.R. 126P Thorn, P. 90P Thornburg, K.L. 121P Tregloan, P. 76P Trieu, J. 23P, 28P Tumer, E. 93P Tzeng, Y.C. 111P |
Vvan der Poel, C. 21P, 25P, 26P van Helden, D.F. 32P, 59P Vandenberg, R.J. 43P, 95P Veldhuizen, R. 117P Vincze, J. 67P Vinh, A. 54P, 113P Viola, H.M. 99P Vlahos, R. 54P |
WWadley, G.D. 65P Walker, D.W. 112P Wallace, E. 96P Walweel, K. 32P Wang, K.C.W. 121P Webb, T.I. 69P Welungoda, I. 103P West, D.W.D. 108P White, S.W. 131P Whitehead, N.P. 84P Widdop, R.E. 103P Willie, C.K. 111P Wilton, S.D. 82P Wiwchar, M. 6P Wlodek, M.E. 37P, 130P Wong, A.C.Y. 60P, 61P Wood, F.M. 63P Woodman, O.L. 5P, 104P Woods, M.G. 25P |
YYang, Y. 2P Yao, L-J. 117P Yeung, E.W. 84P Yousif, A. 65P |
ZZaitsev, V. 14P Zawieja, D.C. 38P Zornig, J. 76P Zosky, G.R. 49P |
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