AuPS/ASCEPT/HBPRCA Perth 2011 Programme

Author index

Sunday 4th December 2011
Room 1Room 2Room 3
13:30 Pharmacogenomics Workshop for Clinical Pharmacology Trainees Careers workshop Education workshop
17:30 Opening ceremony - AuPS Lecture - Professor Annamaria De Luca
17:30 A. De Luca: Pre-clinical studies in rare diseases: the challenge to speed up pharmacotherapy in Duchenne muscular dystrophy1P
18:30 Welcome reception


Monday 5th December 2011
Room 1Room 2Room 3
08:00 ASCEPT Breakfast Posters Session
09:00 BPS Plenary Lecturer - Professor Roland Jones
10:00 Morning Tea
10:30 Clinical Pharmacology Trainees Session Symposium: Regulation of intracellular calcium signalling in vascular tissue
Chair: Simon Potocnik
10:30 M.A. Hill: Selective modulation of ion channel subunit expression to probe regional differences in vascular smooth muscle BKCa function2P
10:50 T.V. Murphy: Effects of advanced glycation end-products (AGE) on Ca2+ signalling in vascular endothelial cells and endothelium-dependent responses in rat arteries3P
11:05 G.Y. Rychkov: The role of STIM1/Orai1 in mediating Ca2+ entry in vascular smooth muscle cell contractions4P
11:20 O.L. Woodman: How do flavonols cause relaxation of vascular smooth muscle?5P
11:35 Symposium open discussion and questions to the speakers
11:45 N. Leblanc: Tmem16a-generated Ca2+-activated Cl currents exhibit similar regulatory properties to those recorded in vascular myocytes6P
12:00 D.J. Chaston: Signalling through endothelial connexin40 modulates the myogenic constriction of arteries and regulates blood pressure7P
12:15 J.M. Haynes: Multiple spontaneously active Ca2+ waveforms in Nkx2.5-GFP cardiac lineage cells show selective modulation by If channel blockade, endothelin I and elevation of intracellular cAMP8P
Symposium: Elucidating abnormalities in cardiac metabolism
Chair: Livia Hool & Helena Viola
10:55 L.M.D. Delbridge: Myocardial insulin resistance, metabolic stress and autophagy10P
11:12 S. Pepe: Mitochondrial dysfunction in congenital heart disease11P
11:29 A. Filipovska: Regulation of human mitochondrial gene expression12P
11:45 V. Suturin: Venom of box jellyfish, C. fleckeri, causes vasoconstriction and induces an increase in cytoplasmic calcium in cardiomyocytes, the latter likely through poorly-selective cation channels13P
12:00 V. Zaitsev: Cardiovascular and skeletal muscle responses in orchidectomized rats following short-term chronic formoterol administration14P
12:15 C.-R. Chong: Perhexiline is concentrated in both human atria and ventricles: perioperative analysis15P
12:30 Lunch/AuPS Posters
Presenters of even numbered posters to be present.
1 I.G.J. Lim: Protein thiol oxidation is a possible mediator of muscle fatigue16P
2 M. Grzelak: The acute effects of curcumin exposure on skeletal muscle contractile function17P
3 K. Sitparan: The contractile properties of slow and fast skeletal muscles from protease activated receptor-1 null mice18P
4 Y. Chang: Changes in oxidative stress decrease the rate of protein synthesis in cultured C2C12 myotubes19P
5 N.T. Larkins: Phosphorylation of small heat shock proteins in response to heat stress20P
6 S.M. Gehrig: Muscle-specific HSP72 over-expression improves muscle structure and function in mdx dystrophic mice21P
7 J.M. Peters: A protocol for the routine generation of engineered muscle tissue from the C2C12 cell line22P
8 J.E. Church: Unexpected redundancy between β-adrenoceptor subtypes in early muscle regeneration23P
9 C.R. Lamboley: Quantification of endogenous and maximal sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium content in human vastus lateralis muscle24P
10 C. van der Poel: Intramuscular administration of formoterol attenuates loss of muscle mass and function after denervation of the rat masseter muscle25P
11 T. Kennedy: The effects of the chemo-protective agent 3H-1,2-dithiole-thone (D3T) on dystrophic pathology in an animal model of Duchenne muscular dystrophy26P
12 R. Koopman: Citrulline prevents fasting-induced muscle cell atrophy in vitro27P
13 K.T. Murphy: Importance of functional and metabolic impairments in the characterization of the C-26 murine model of cancer cachexia28P
14 T.L. Dutka: Effects of carnosine on sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-handling and contractile properties in human vastus lateralis muscle fibres29P
16 L.M.D. Delbridge: Elevated intra-cardiac angiotensin II modulates myocardial autophagic signalling induced by insulin resistance31P
17 K. Walweel: Regulation of RyRs by intracellular Ca2+ and Mg2+ compared in sheep, rat and human heart32P
18 L.M. Edwards: Studying the effects of hypoxia on mitochondrial metabolism in human heart using a genome-wide metabolic network model33P
19 T.J. Harvey: The effects of intra-uterine growth restriction on metabolic organ growth, cardiomyocyte Ca2+-handling properties, and contractile function in juvenile rats34P
20 N.G. Lawler: Acute Intralipid infusion may improve left ventricular function via increases in circulating ketones35P
21 H.S. Al Dera: The L-type Ca2+ channel agonist BayK8644 selectively augments the α1A-adrenceptor-mediated component of nerve-evoked contraction in rat tail artery36P
22 M. Richardson: Decreased passive compliance in the uterine arteries of late pregnant relaxin gene knockout mice is exacerbated by ageing37P
23 M.J. Davis: Lymphatic pump failure and valve dysfunction in response to modest gravitational loads: a contributing mechanism to peripheral lymphedema38P
24 S.K. Maloney: Brain IL-6- and PG-dependent actions of IL-1β and lipopolysaccharide in avian fever39P
25 S. Orgeig: Midgestation intrafetal cortisol infusion in sheep increases lung surfactant protein mRNA, but not to the same degree as the normal prepartum surge in cortisol40P
26 T.D. Justice: Antecedent exercise attenuates the glycaemia-increasing effect of a 30-second sprint41P
27 S.H. Song: Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) regulates Epithelial Na+ channels via ERK1/242P
28 R. Bashour: Exploring cysteine transport by the human glutamate transporter, EAAT343P
29 A.M. Cook: A simple technique for monitoring changes in nasal resistance using acoustic input resistance44P
30 R.B. Patuzzi: Rotation of the eyes (not the head) potentiates the sound-evoked post-auricular muscle response45P
31 S.K. Morton: A simple and reliable method for testing transgene zygosity using quantitative real-time PCR46P
13:30 Symposium: Complementary medicines; not so complementary after all
Chair: Ian Musgrove & Janet Coller
13:30 Complementary medicines and toxicology - Chun Guang Li
13:55 Interactions with complementary medicines - Andrew McLachlan
14:20 The forensic implications of herbal medicine - Roger Byard
14:45 Chaperone "boosting" and hydralazine cytoprotection against carbonyl stress - Philip Burcham
15:00 An LC-MS/MS assay for quantification of cyclizine and norcyclizine in a pharmacokinetic study of subcutaneous cyclizine in palliative care patients - Berit Jensen
15:15 Effect of the neurotoxin saxitoxin on neurite outgrowth in model neuronal cells - Katie O'Neil
Symposium: The role of inflammation in the development of respiratory related disorders
Chair: Jane Pillow & Gavin Pinniger
13:30 P.J. Henry: Protease-activated receptors: mediating pro-inflammatory or anti-inflammatory effects within the airways?47P
13:45 P.K. McFawn: Stimulated breathing movements in isolated bronchi: the impact on airway narrowing48P
14:00 G.R. Zosky: Alterations in lung structure can perpetuate inflammation leading to chronic respiratory disease49P
14:15 T.J.M. Moss: Antenatal inflammation and postnatal respiratory disease50P
14:30 G.J. Pinniger: Impact of antenatal inflammation on diaphragm muscle function in the preterm lamb51P
14:45 D.L. Demmer: The effect of antenatal betamethasone exposure on diaphragm contractile function in young rat progeny52P
15:00 E.X. Lim: Serum Amyloid A is a candidate mediator for altered macrophage polarisation in cigarette smoke-related disease53P
15:15 S. Selemidis: Protective role of Nox1 oxidase against influenza A virus-induced lung inflammation54P
Symposium: Cardiac arrhythmia mechanisms
Chair: Yue-kun Ju & David Allen
13:30 I.R. Efimov: The structure and function of the human sinus node55P
14:05 A.P. Hill: Simulation of TRIaD markers of arrhythmic risk in acquired long QT syndrome56P
14:25 D.R. Laver: SR calcium release channel mechanisms for cardiac arrhythmias and their drug-based therapy57P
14:45 Y.K. Ju: Confocal tiling images of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptors in intact mouse sinoatrial node58P
15:00 D. Mehra: Role of cardiac Na+ channel blockers in inhibiting the cardiac calcium release channel59P
15:30 Afternoon Tea
16:00 Symposium: ASCEPT young investigators AuPS free communications: Nervous System
Chair: Robyn Murphy & Robert Patuzzi
16:00 J.M.E. Cederholm: Isoflurane anaesthesia impacts on mouse hearing thresholds60P
16:15 K.E. Froud: The role of type II spiral ganglion neurons in the regulation of hearing sensitivity via the medial olivocochlear efferent pathway61P
16:30 D. Bongiorno: Assessing motor and gait phenotypes in Nedd4 and Nedd4-2-heterozygous mice62P
17:00 AuPS free communications: Skeletal Muscle
16:45 A.J. Bakker: The effect of non-severe dorsal burn injury on the contractile properties of fast-twitch hind limb skeletal muscle of the mouse63P
17:00 E. Assan: The effect of N-acetylcysteine (NAC) on contractile function and protein-thiol oxidation in skeletal muscles of mdx mice64P
17:15 G.D. Wadley: The impact of high dose vitamin C supplementation on skeletal muscle of healthy humans65P
17:30 A.F. Dulhunty: A novel scorpion toxin activates cardiac RyR2 calcium release channels at fM concentrations66P
17:45 L. Csernoch: Spatio-temporal morphology of calcium sparks recorded on intact amphibian skeletal muscle fibres67P


Tuesday 6th December 2011
Room 1Room 2Room 3
08:00 ASCEPT Breakfast Posters Session
09:00 AuPS Invited Lecturer - Professor Mark Hargreaves
Chair: David Allen
09:00 M. Hargreaves: Exercise and skeletal muscle carbohydrate metabolism during exercise: from MilkyWay™ to MEF268P
10:00 Morning tea
10:30 Symposium: Structure-function studies of drug targets and drug metabolising enzymes
Chair: David Adams & Roger Summers
10:30 Ligand-directed signalling - an unbiased view - Roger Summers
10:49 Integrated approaches to understanding the structure and function of drug metabolizing enzymes -John Miners
11:08 J.W. Lynch: Location of an ivermectin binding site at the glycine receptor chloride channel69P
11:26 Receptor-targeted modulation of voltage-gated calcium channels - David Adams
11:45 Oral 32
12:00 Oral 33
12:15 Oral 34
Symposium: Challenges in pharmacology and physiology education
Chair: Lynette Fernandes
10:30 R.G. Evans: Challenges and opportunities in integrative physiology education70P
10:45 Y.M. Hodgson: How should we teach cardiovascular physiology and what do we want students to learn?71P
11:00 F.D. Russell: Challenges for teaching pharmacology in a regional university72P
11:15 S.N. Hilmer: Ensuring that Australian medical graduates can prescribe safely and effectively73P
11:30 Panel discussion
11:45 D.A. Saint: Summative Assessments: when is enough too much?74P
12:00 L.B. Fernandes: Embedding responsible conduct in learning and research into the pharmacology curriculum75P
12:15 M.J. Cheesman: Virtual laboratories as an extension of practical training in pharmacology76P
Symposium: Functional consequences of genetic muscle conditions
Chair: Livia Hool & Gina Ravenscroft
10:30 N.G. Laing: Sarcomeric proteins and disease77P
10:50 C. Ottenheijm: Sarcomere function in nemaline myopathy78P
11:25 K.N. North: A gene for speed: ACTN3, athletes, evolution and impact on human health79P
11:45 M. Kreissl: Phosphorylation of tropomyosin – response to sarcomeric stress?80P
12:00 W.D. Phillips: Effects of cholinesterase inhibitor therapy on the neuromuscular junction in a mouse model of anti-MuSK myasthenia gravis81P
12:15 G.J. Pinniger: The efficacy of antisense oligomer mediated exon skipping is enhanced by concurrent administration of prednisolone in the mdx mouse82P
12:30 Lunch/AuPS Posters
Presenters of odd numbered posters to be present. See Monday for list.
14:00 ASCEPT Invited Lecture (RAND)
15:00 Afternoon Tea
15:30 ASCEPT Student oral prize session Symposium: Abnormalities in ion transport and signaling in muscle ageing and disease
Chair: Livia Hool
15:30 A. De Luca: Ion channels as biomarkers and therapeutic targets in dystrophic myopathies83P
15:55 D.G. Allen: Early pathways to muscle damage in muscular dystrophy84P
16:12 P. Gregorevic: Exploring novel therapies for frailty and muscle disease85P
16:29 T. Shavlakadze: Targeting sarcopenia: muscle innervation and exercise86P
16:45 T.R. Cully: Different capacity for store-dependent Ca2+ influx and Ca2+ extrusion across the plasma membrane of wild-type and dystrophic mdx mouse muscle87P
17:00 J. Lam: The effect of Phospholipase A2 inhibition on contractile function in normal and dystrophic skeletal muscle88P
Symposium: Epithelial transport - expanding the boundaries
Chair: Stefan Bröer
15:30 N. Anzai: Regulation of serum uric acid levels by epithelial transporters89P
15:45 P. Thorn: Vesicle-associated membrane protein 8 (VAMP 8) is a SNARE selectively required for sequential granule-to-granule fusion90P
16:00 P. Poronnik: Protein complexes - organising transport and function in space and time91P
16:15 A. Dinudom: Regulation of the epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC) by G protein-coupled receptor kinase (GRK2)92P
16:30 S. Bröer: Membrane complexes involved in protein digestion and nutrient signaling93P
16:45 I.H. Lee: The activity of epithelial sodium channel is negatively regulated by H-Ras via an ERK1/2 dependent pathway94P
17:00 A.J. Scopelliti: Structural basis for the functional differences between ASCT1 and EAATs95P
17:15 K.W.E. Taylor: Effect of human amnion epithelial cells on stroke outcome in mice96P


Wednesday 7th December 2011
Room 1Room 2Room 3
09:00 JPS Plenary Lecturer - Professor Haruaki Nakaya
09:30 HBPRCA RD Wright Invited Lecturer - Professor Peter Rothwell
10:00 Morning tea
10:30 Symposium: Novel drug targets for urogenital disorders associated with aging
Chair: Betty Exintaris
10:30 Interstitial cells (pericytes) in the urothelium of the bladder that control the microvascularture - Hikaru Hashitani
11:00 Treatment of overactive bladder - Russ Chess-Williams
11:15 Acid - A novel sensory and motor stimulant in the urinary bladder? - Elizabeth Burcher
11:30 What makes the α1A-adrenoceptor gene express the α1L-adrenoceptor functional phenotype? - Sab Ventura
11:45 Oral 47
12:00 Oral 48
12:15 R.J. Lang: Role of hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide gated cation channels in pyeloureteric peristalsis97P
Symposium: Fundamental mechanisms of function of the normal and diseased heart
Chair: Lea Delbridge & Peter Molenaar
10:30 J. Gorelik: Nanoscale SICM/FRET insights into β-adrenergic receptor distribution and cAMP compartmentation in cardiac myocytes98P
11:00 L.C. Hool: Evidence for altered communication between the L-type Ca2+ channel and mitochondria in a model of cardiomyopathy99P
11:15 D.A. Saint: Mechanically induced arrhythmias in hypertrophic heart100P
11:30 P. Molenaar: Molecular determinants and functional consequences of the β1L-adrenoceptor in the heart101P
11:45 N.A. Beard: Acute chemotherapeutic treatment causes hyperphosphorylation of cardiac ryanodine receptors102P
12:00 T.A. Gaspari: Insulin regulated aminopeptidase / AT4 receptor deficiency is both cardio- and vaso-protective in angiotensin II-infused mice103P
12:15 R.H. Ritchie: The cardiac actions of the nitroxyl (HNO) donor Angeli's salt are thiol-sensitive and cGMP-dependent: impact of diabetes104P
Symposium: Exercise and cardiovascular function in health and disease
Chair: Michael McKenna
10:30 M.J. Joyner: Skeletal muscle hyperemia during exercise: do we have all the answers now?105P
10:55 L.H. Naylor: Exercise and cardiac adaptations106P
11:20 D.J. Green: Exercise and vascular adaptation107P
11:45 D.M. Camera: Interaction of muscle glycogen availability and nutrition on cell signalling and myofibrillar protein synthesis following resistance exercise108P
12:00 S. Green: Effect of age on the dynamic response of muscle hyperaemia during exercise109P
12:15 M.G. Schultz: Exercise hypertension is related to aortic reservoir function: a first in-human exercise central haemodynamic study110P
12:30 Lunch/ASCEPT Poster Prize session
14:00 Clinical trials - Commerce or science?
Chair: Paul Rolan
14:00 The Y2K bug? - lessons from the COX-2 story - Ric Day
14:10 Early human studies - goals and outcomes - Richard Robson
14:20 The design and analysis of clinical trials for Parkinson's disease - Nick Holford
14:30 Panel discussion
Free communications: Joint cardiovascular session
Chair: Stephen Harrap
14:00 C.E. Taylor: Postural influences on the mechanical and neural components of the cardiac baroreflex111P
14:15 M. Tare: Exposure to alcohol during fetal life causes persistent changes in vascular function and passive mechanical arterial wall properties in the offspring112P
14:30 C.T. Chan: Chemokine receptors as novel pharmacological targets to reduce blood pressure during experimental hypertension in mice113P
14:45 S. Stewart: The valsartan intensified primary care reduction of blood pressure (VIPER-BP) study: a multicentre, randomized trial114P
AuPS free communications: Respiration and smooth muscle
Chair: Peter McFawn & Trent Reardon
14:15 N.J. Johansen: Perivascular sympathetic neuropathy in the streptozotocin type I diabetic rat model116P
14:30 L.N.M. Suri: The effects of temperature on the biophysical properties of warm- and cold-adapted pulmonary surfactant117P
14:45 T.K. Ansell: Airway narrowing, smooth muscle force and wall compliance at low and high mechanical strains118P
15:00 Afternoon Tea
15:30 Symposium: Novel pharmacological strategies for neurological diseases
Chair: Alyson Miller & Bruno Meloni
15:30 Alterations in blood brain barrier function in Alzheimers disease and implications for drug delivery - Joseph Nicolazzo
15:49 Is the novel G protein-coupled receptor a sex specific target for cerebrovascular dysfunction and stroke? - Bradley Broughton
16:08 Targeting NPY for the development of anti-seizure drugs - Margaret Morris
16:28 Novel clinical strategies for the treatment of small cerebral vessel disease - Velandai Srikanth
16:45 Oral 64
17:00 Oral 65
17:15 Oral 66
Symposium: Being a small baby or being born preterm: Which is worse is for your health?
Chair: Lawrie Beilin & Trevor Mori
15:30 C. Roberts: Predicting pregnancy outcomes: small or early?119P
15:50 K.M. Moritz: Do corticosteroids have different effects in preterm or small babies?120P
16:10 J.L. Morrison: Pathways from being small or preterm to a vulnerable heart121P
16:30 L. Bennet: Preterm neonatal cardiovascular instability: understanding the fetus when evaluating the newborn122P
16:50 R.-C. Huang: Cardiovascular and metabolic outcomes of offspring born small or early : the Raine study123P
17:10 B.A. Kingwell: The role of lifestyle factors vs early origins of cardiovascular disease124P
Symposium: Mechanisms underlying vascular dysfunction in disease and Injury
Chair: Caryl Hill & Dirk van Helden
15:30 B.K. Kemp-Harper: Novel nitric oxide mimetics in the treatment of vascular dysfunction125P
15:51 S.R. Thomas: Studies into the molecular mechanisms of oxidative stress-induced endothelial dysfunction and its prevention126P
16:09 R.E. Haddock: Diet-induced obesity alters sensory nerve activity in rat small mesenteric artery127P
16:27 J.A. Brock: Effects of spinal cord injury on neurovascular function128P
16:45 T.F. Reardon: Hydrogen peroxide increases responses to nerve, phenylephrine and potassium stimulation in mouse tail artery by multiple mechanisms129P
17:00 M. Jelinic: Cellular localisation of relaxin receptors in arteries and veins and region-dependent responses to in vivo relaxin administration in male rats130P
17:15 S.W. White: Inhaled and intravenous methacholine evoke differential effects on bronchial blood flow and 3rd generation airway dimensions in awake sheep131P
17:30 Closing Ceremony and awarding of prizes
19:00 Conference dinner

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