ISSN 0067-2084 |
Volume 45 |
2014 |
AuPS 2013 Geelong Meeting |
Symposium: Physiological roles of noncoding RNA in muscle | |
MicroRNAs differentially regulated in cardiac and skeletal muscle in health and disease: Potential drug targets? | |
C.E. Winbanks, J.Y.Y. Ooi, S.S. Nguyen, J.R. McMullen & B.C. Bernardo | 1 |
AuPS 2014 Brisbane Meeting |
Science Communication in Physiology Education | |
I said, “Do you speak my language?” Using media variety to communicate science beyond academia C.L. Jasoni | 1P |
SURJ: Developing science students’ writing skills through UREs S.L. Rowland & Z. Pross | 2P |
The development of undergraduate science students’ scientific argument skills in oral presentations A. Bugarcic, K.L. Colthorpe, K. Zimbardi, H.W. Su & K. Jackson | 3P |
Developing research communication skills in 3rd year Biomedical Science students Y. Hodgson & J.K. Choate | 4P |
A strategy for student engagement in peer student presentations- assessing critical thinking skills D.A. Saint | 5P |
Welcome and AuPS Invited Lecture | |
Getting to the heart of ectopic beats J.I. Vandenberg | 6P |
Symposium: Genetics influences on skeletal muscle physiology and athletic performance | |
Genomic markers for athletic performance and trainability: What little we know N. Eynon | 7P |
A gene for speed: ACTN3, athletes, evolution and impact on human health K.N. North | 8P |
The POWERGENE consortium: Identifying the genetics of sprint/power performance in elite athletes P.J. Houweling, F.C. Garton, POWERGENE Consortium, N. Eynon & K.N. North | 9P |
The use of “omics” to individualize exercise training Y.P. Pitsiladis | 10P |
Symposium: Teaching and learning within undergraduate research experiences in physiology | |
Exploring connections between teaching, research and learning at Monash University N.A. Samarawickrema, J.O. Macaulay, B. Diug & R. Benson | 11P |
Providing authentic research experiences: Comparison of two research programs Y. Hodgson & J.K. Choate | 12P |
Authentic, large-scale undergraduate research experiences (ALUREs) in physiology – development, implementation, evaluation and dissemination K. Zimbardi, K.L. Colthorpe, A. Bugarcic, L.J. Lluka, P. Chunduri, J. Kibedi, S.L. Rowland, G. Lawrie, J.T.H. Wang, P. Myatt & P. Worthy | 13P |
Learning research skills in undergraduate exercise physiology G.D. Wadley, K.F. Howlett, A.P. Russell & R.J. Snow | 14P |
Using guided-inquiry lectures to enhance student engagement and understanding J.K. Choate & Y. Hodgson | 15P |
Symposium: Exocytosis | |
Lipid regulation of exocytosis J.R. Coorssen | 16P |
Calpains cleave dysferlin to release a synaptotagmin-like module for the calcium-dependent exocytosis of membrane repair G.M.I. Redpath, N. Woolger, A. Lek, A.K. Piper, F.A. Lemckert, P.A. Greer, K.N. North & S.T. Cooper | 17P |
Molecular regulation of insulin secretion W. Han | 18P |
The C-terminal membrane anchor of Syntaxin4 affects Munc18c-supported SNARE assembly in vitro J.L. Martin, A. Rehman, Z. Tminov, M.P. Christie, A.E. Whitten, G.J. King, R.J. Jarrott, S. Norwood, D.E. James, K. Alexandrov & B.M. Collins | 19P |
Symposium: Ion channels and pathophysiological changes in ionic regulation | |
Voltage gated proton channels - past, present and future D. Morgan & T.E. DeCoursey | 20P |
Determination of the junctional space [Ca2+] set by ryanodine receptor Ca2+ leak in fast- and slow-twitch muscle fibres T.R. Cully & B.S. Launikonis | 21P |
Mechanosensitivity of TRPC6 ion channels Y.A. Nikolaev, P.R. Rohde, C.D. Cox, D.R. Laver & B. Martinac | 22P |
ORAI channels in lactation and in breast cancer G.R. Monteith | 23P |
Symposium: Interaction of metabolic balance and growth hormone | |
Growth hormone action on adipose tissue and liver M.J. Waters, C.N. Nelson, M.T.N. Ieremia & L. Constantin | 24P |
Sex steroids and the growth hormone system in metabolic regulation K.K.Y. Ho | 25P |
The production and release of growth hormone during periods of metabolic stress – How and why? F.J. Steyn | 26P |
Caloric balance and insulin action S. Schenk | 27P |
Posters | |
Comparison of contractile responses of single motor units in the toe extensors during unloaded and loaded isotonic and isometric conditions M. Leitch & V.G. Macefield | 28P |
Antioxidant supplementation inhibits exercise-induced skeletal muscle signaling but did not alter markers of muscle adaptations K. Yada, T. Mizokami, Y.L. Hung & K. Suzuki | 29P |
The anti-inflammatory effects of stress hormones on lipopolysaccharide-stimulated macrophages Y.L. Hung & K. Suzuki | 30P |
Impact of in vitro culture and embryo transfer on cardiac metabolism in early postnatal life M. Padhee, I.C. McMillen, S. Zhang, S.M. MacLaughlin, D.O. Kleemann, S.K. Walker, J. Kelly, S. Rudiger & J.L. Morrison | 31P |
Salbutamol decreases potassium concentration during heavy rowing exercise but not immediately following recovery T. Atanasovska, A.C. Petersen, R. Smith, A. Tobin & M.J. McKenna | 32P |
Heat stress acutely stimulates insulin-independent glucose transport and 5′ adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase in rat skeletal muscle A. Goto, I. Sakon, R. Oshima, T. Egawa, Y. Serizawa, S. Tsuda & T. Hayashi | 33P |
Responses of circulating microRNAs to unloading-associated atrophy and reloading-induced regrowth of mouse hindlimb skeletal muscle M. Suzuki, T. Egawa, A. Ikuta, A. Goto, S. Yokoyama, Y. Ohno, T. Sugiura, Y. Ohira, T. Yoshioka & K. Goto | 34P |
ACTN3 R577X genotype influences 100 and 200 m Olympic sprinting performance in seven cohorts of elite sprinters I.D. Papadimitriou, A. Lucia, V.P. Pushkarev, D.A. Dyatlov, E.F. Orekhov, G.G. Artioli, J.F.L. Guilherme, A.H. Lancha Jr, V. Ginevičienė, P. Cieszczyk, A.M. Karlowska, M. Sawczuk, C.A. Muniesa, A. Kouvatsi, M. Massidda, C.M. Calò, D.J. Bishop, K.N. North & N. Eynon | 35P |
α-actinin-3 deficiency does not affect the unloaded shortening biomechanics of single isolated fast-twitch FDB fibres from Actn3 KO mice S. Wagner, O. Friedrich, S. Chan, P.J. Houweling, K.R. Quinlan, R.M. Murphy, K.N. North & S.I. Head | 37P |
Novel role for Selenoprotein S in regulating skeletal muscle contractile function in fast twitch mouse muscles A. Addinsall, C.-H. Weng, N.L. McRae, C. Wright, S. Andrikopoulos, N. Wong & N. Stupka | 38P |
Changes in heart rate variability and ECG in a murine model of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy W.W. Lim, M. Baumert, M. Neo, P. Kuklik, A. Ganesan, D.H. Lau, T. Tsoutsman, C. Semsarian, D.A. Saint & P. Sanders | 39P |
Detection of microvascular flowmotion within skeletal muscle in vivo S. Blackwood, E.A. Bradley, S.M. Richards, M.A. Keske, R.M. Dwyer & S. Rattigan | 40P |
A comparative transcriptomic analysis of the regenerating neonatal mouse heart G.A. Quaife-Ryan, Z.B. Ma, S. Uchida, W.G. Thomas, J.E. Hudson & E.R. Porrello | 41P |
Inter-individual differences in blood pressure responses to stressors: mental versus physical tasks K. El Sayed, C.E. Taylor, M.J. Joyner & V.G. Macefield | 42P |
The effects of CaMKII inhibition on cardiac muscle contractility in the zucker diabetic fatty rat L. Daniels, R. Wallace, R. Lamberts & J. Erickson | 43P |
Amitriptyline improves left ventricular recovery in rat hearts subjected to cardiac ischaemic-reperfusion injury S.M. Lee, D.A. Saint & M. Hutchinson | 44P |
A novel startle mutation of the α1 glycine receptor subunit reveals the role of W170 in receptor function M.J. Windley, M. Drwal, A.M. Finch & T.M. Lewis | 45P |
Effect of changing the [Mg2+] on ryanodine receptor leak activity in rat skeletal muscle R.H. Choi & B.S. Launikonis | 46P |
Mutation of cysteines on the α interacting domain of the long NT isoform of the Cav1.2 channel protein alters the biophysical properties of the channel P. Muralidharan, H. Cserne Szappanos, E. Ingley & L. Hool | 47P |
Discovery and characterization of potent biphasic α5GABAA receptor modulators M.S. Soh, R.P. McGeary & J.W. Lynch | 48P |
Is it the magnesium or is it the sulphate? Neuroprotective benefit of antenatal magnesium sulphate therapy for preterm infants P.A. Dawson, F.G. Bowling & E. Hurrion | 49P |
Paternal transmission of metabolic dysfunction to offspring born to a growth restricted father M.E. Wlodek, E.L. McArthur, T.N. Hosseini, J.N. Cheong, A.J. Jefferies & K.M. Moritz | 50P |
Expression of aldehyde dehydrogenase family 1, member A3 in glycogen trophoblast cells of the murine placenta J.E. Outhwaite & D.G. Simmons | 51P |
Maternal hypomagnesaemia causes placental abnormalities that may contribute to fetal and postnatal mortality R.N. Schlegel, J.S.M. Cuffe, K.M. Moritz & T.M. Paravicini | 52P |
The effects of ethanol on trophoblast cell differentiation in culture J.I. Kalisch-Smith, S.E. Steane, M. Pantaleon, K.M. Moritz & D.G. Simmons | 53P |
Behavioural Correlates of Periconceptional Ethanol Exposure in Aged Offspring D. Zanfirache, C. Cullen & K.M. Moritz | 54P |
Alterations in key elements of the hexosamine signalling pathway in mouse placenta in response to maternal stress: implications for fetal programming of adult disease K. McMahon, J.S.M. Cuffe, K.M. Moritz & M. Pantaleon | 55P |
Mature surfactant protein-B expression by immunohistochemistry as a marker for surfactant system development in the fetal sheep lung E.V. McGillick, M. Lock, S. Orgeig, S. Zhang, I.C. McMillen & J.L. Morrison | 56P |
The impact of intestinal lymph exposure on adipocyte function and insulin resistance E. Cao, M.J. Watt, L. Hu, C.J.H. Porter & N.L. Trevaskis | 57P |
Hypoxia-induced growth restriction leads to sexually dimorphic changes to the renal and cardiovascular systems in adult mouse offspring S.L. Walton, R.R. Singh, T.M. Paravicini, M.H. Little & K.M. Moritz | 58P |
TMEM16A may regulate pH in the pancreatic acinar lumen Y. Han & P. Thorn | 59P |
Small molecules demonstrate that dynamin is a bi-directional modulator of the exocytosis fusion pore J. Jackson, A. Papadopulos, A. McCluskey, F.A. Meunier, P.J. Robinson & D.J. Keating | 60P |
Species difference in α-conotoxin RegIIA inhibition of neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors: molecular basis for differential sensitivity D.J. Adams, S.N. Kompella, H. Cuny, A. Hung & R.J. Clark | 61P |
Extensive heterogeneous dye-coupling among cells derived from human induced-pluripotent-stem cells R. Kanjhan, P.R. Fortuna, M.C. Bellingham & E.J. Wolvetang | 62P |
Michael Roberts Lecture | |
From active learning to self-regulated learning K.L. Colthorpe | 63P |
Symposium: Cardiac metabolic stressors and sensors | |
Protein O-GlcNAcylation: A novel regulator of cardiomyocyte stress response J.C. Chatham | 64P |
O-linked β-N-acetylglucosamine (O-Glc-NAc) signalling and the hexosamine pathway in diabetic cardiomyopathy R.H. Ritchie | 65P |
Hexose sugars and cardiomyocyte pathophysiology K.M. Mellor | 66P |
A novel family of functional cardiac G protein-coupled receptors with potential roles in nutrient sensing and contractility W.G. Thomas | 67P |
Symposium: Placental development and function: effects of maternal perturbations during pregnancy | |
Asthma, smoking and the placenta N.A. Hodyl | 68P |
Developing molecularly targeted therapeutics for severe preeclampsia S. Tong | 69P |
The spiny mouse: a novel species for studying fetal and placental development and improving obstetric outcomes H. Dickinson, K.M. Moritz, P.J. Mark & D.W. Walker | 70P |
Heart defects in Ly6e mutant mice are likely a secondary consequence of impaired placental development D.G. Simmons, M.B. Langford & D.R. Natale | 71P |
Free Communications: Exercise Physiology | |
The effects of an oral glucose load on plasma K+ and electrolyte homeostasis at rest, during high intensity intermittent exercise and recovery and on skeletal muscle Na+,K+-ATPase isoform abundance C.H. Steward, R. Smith, N.K. Stepto, M. Brown, I. Ng & M.J. McKenna | 72P |
Cortical activity and motor unit recruitment during a high intensity endurance exercise protocol in normothermic and heated environments N. Vargas & F. Marino | 73P |
Effects of high-intensity interval exercise, under either induced metabolic acidosis or alkalosis, on the regulation of genes associated with the acid-base regulation in human skeletal muscle R.S.F. Oliveira, C. McGinley, C. Granata, H. Pilegaard & D.J. Bishop | 74P |
An interaction of morphology in the modulation of evaporative heat loss during exercise S.R. Notley, J. Park, K. Tagami, N. Ohnishi, G.P. Kenny & N.A.S. Taylor | 75P |
Post-exercise cold-water immersion activates acute PHF20 and p53 signalling in human skeletal muscle J.R. Broatch, A.C. Petersen & D.J. Bishop | 76P |
Exercise-induced changes in cerebral oxygenation and cognition in the human prefrontal cortex J. Yamauchi & K.E. Kobayashi | 77P |
ACTN3 R577X genotype affects training-induced changes in mitochondrial respiration in humans X. Yan, N. Eynon, I.D. Papadimitriou, J. Kuang, O. Tirosh, L. O’Keefe, M. Anderson, K.N. North & D.J. Bishop | 78P |
Invited Lecture | |
Calmodulin and CaMKII signaling in the heart D.M. Bers | 80P |
Free Communications: Skeletal Muscle Physiology | |
Sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ leak is increased in type I muscle fibres of old human subjects C.R. Lamboley, V.L. Wyckelsma, R.M. Murphy, M.J. McKenna & G.D. Lamb | 81P |
Effect of doublet stimulation on tetanic Ca2+ responses measured in isolated fast interosseous fibres of the mouse A.J. Bakker, T.R. Cully & B.S. Launikonis | 82P |
Genetic reduction of an extracellular matrix gene improves contractile function in dystrophic mdx mice D.R. McCulloch, N.L. McRae, R. Kelly, L. Forgan & N. Stupka | 83P |
Induction of heat shock protein 72 improves the cardiomyopathy and reduces fibrosis in severely dystrophic dko mice T. Kennedy, K. Swiderski, K.T. Murphy, R. Koopman, S.M. Gehrig, M.A. Febbraio & G.S. Lynch | 84P |
Assessment of RyR leak and t-system Ca2+ uptake in dystrophic skeletal muscle T.R. Cully & B.S. Launikonis | 85P |
The sarcomeric α-actinins perform a dynamic balancing act at the muscle Z-line F.C. Garton, M.W. Hogarth, P.J. Houweling, X.F. Zheng, K.G. Quinlan, N. Yang, T. Tukiainen, D.G. MacArthur, P. Gregorevic & K.N. North | 86P |
Free Communications: Reproduction | |
Renal dysfunction is transmitted to third generation offspring born to a growth restricted mother or father M.E. Wlodek, S.T. Kharal, A.J. Jefferies, J.N. Cheong & K.M. Moritz | 87P |
The developmental programming effects of vitamin D on renal nephron endowment and gene expression of the renin angiotensin system in weanling male rats K.I. Burkitt, A.C. Boyce, F.C. Britton & K.J. Gibson | 88P |
Prenatal corticosterone exposure induces dysregulation of the renal renin angiotensin system in male offspring J.S.M. Cuffe, D.J. Burgess & K.M. Moritz | 89P |
Prolactin as a key regulator of Growth Hormone pulsatility in lactation, acting via somatostatin S. Gounden, C. Chen & F.J. Steyn | 90P |
Periconceptional alcohol alters adult renal and cardiac function in a sex dependent manner E.S. Dorey, E.M. Gardebjer, F. Campbell, T.M. Paravicini, K.A. Weir, M.E. Wlodek & K.M. Moritz | 91P |
Maternal stress during pregnancy in growth restricted females programs sex-specific metabolic outcomes in second generation male and female rats J.N. Cheong, A.J. Jefferies, K.M. Moritz & M.E. Wlodek | 92P |
Free Communications: Channels and Nervous System | |
Control of muscle sympathetic nerve activity to contracting muscle in humans: contributions of central command and peripheral feedback D. Boulton, C.E. Taylor, V.G. Macefield & S. Green | 94P |
Inhibitory effect of dantrolene on cardiac RyR2 in the presence of calmodulin Y.W. Oo, D.F. van Helden, M.S. Imtiaz, B.C. Knollmann & D.R. Laver | 95P |
The effects of obesity on hippocampal function in the rat H.A. Coleman, S. Lye & H.C. Parkington | 96P |
Controlling contractions in human myometrium; an eye on channels H.C. Parkington, M.A. Tonta, P.J. Sheehan, J. Stevenson, S.P. Brennecke, H.A. Coleman, J. Paul & R. Smith | 97P |
Calcium signalling in epithelial-mesenchymal transition induced by hypoxia in breast cancer cells I. Azimi, F.M. Davis, P.A. Kenny, E.W. Thompson, S.J. Roberts-Thomson & G.R. Monteith | 98P |
Symposium: Can we age well? | |
Can we age well? D.G. Le Couteur | 99P |
The Ageing Liver V.C. Cogger | 100P |
Ageing muscles: biomarkers and exercise M.D. Grounds, Z. Soffe, C. McMahon, A.A. Sayer & T. Shavlakadze | 101P |
Sleep well, age well N.L. Rogers | 102P |
Free Communications: Endocrinology, Diabetes and Cancer | |
Mechanisms directing blood-lymph transfer of nano-sized therapeutics N.L. Trevaskis, L.M. Kaminskas, P. Yadav, A.P.R. Johnston & C.J.H. Porter | 103P |
Perilipin 5 regulates hepatic lipid metabolism and systemic glucose tolerance in mice S.N. Keenan, J. Lo, R.C.R. Meex & M.J. Watt | 104P |
RCAN1 is critical for β-cell mitochondrial function and is overexpressed in human Type 2 diabetes H. Peiris, M. Duffield, C.F. Jessup, V. Kashmir, J. Fadista, A. Genders, S. McGee, M. Ryan, D.R. Laybutt, P.T. Coates, M.A. Pritchard, L. Groop & D.J. Keating | 105P |
Chronic high fat feeding increases megalin expression and causes albuminuria and proteinuria in rats J.F. Briffa, K.A. Jenkin, E. Grinfeld, A.J. McAinch, M.L. Mathai & D.H. Hryciw | 106P |
Progression of type 2 diabetes in Leprdb mice: from the animal to the granular levels O.H. Do & P. Thorn | 107P |
Adipose-secreted factors from peri-prostatic fat stimulate prostate cancer cell tumourigenecity R.A. Taylor, N. Ascui, J. Lo, M. Papargiris, G.P. Risbridger, M. Frydenberg & M.J. Watt | 108P |
Dysfunction of the dystrophin-glycoprotein complex (DGC) in cancer cachexia K. Swiderski, K.T. Murphy, N.A. Williamson, C.J. Brock, D.M. Baum, A. Chee, T. Naim & G.S. Lynch | 109P |
Pulsatile luteinizing hormone (LH) secretion in female mice across pubertal development Y. Wan, F.J. Steyn, J.D. Veldhuis & C. Chen | 110P |
Symposium: Frontiers of molecular mechanisms of ligand recognition and activation of receptor channels | |
Signal transduction at the subunit interfaces of the human glycine receptor T.M. Lewis, M. Drwal, D. Tam, L.S. Walton & M.J. Windley | 111P |
Ligand selectivity in pentameric ligand-gated ion channels H.S. Tae, J.R. Lawson, S. Petrou & B.A. Cromer | 112P |
Mechanism of ATP-dependent gating in CFTR channels Y. Sohma | 113P |
Signal transmission within the P2X2 trimeric receptor and the voltage dependent structural rearrangements Y. Kubo & B. Keceli | 114P |
Symposium: Early life environment as an indicator of health; outcomes and prevention | |
Early life environment as an indicator of health; outcomes and prevention J.L. Morrison | 115P |
Maternal nutrition and skeletal muscle development in the offspring: long-term impact on health S.A. Bayol | 116P |
Altered renal signalling in rat offspring born small D.H. Hryciw, J.F. Briffa, A.J. Jeffries & M.E. Wlodek | 117P |
Mum's the word: Understanding the role of maternal obesity and inflammation during pregnancy in elevating the risk of offspring neuroendocrine disorders C.L. Jasoni, D.W. Kim, T.R. Sanders & K.A. Glendining | 118P |
Free Communications: Skeletal Muscle Signalling | |
Glucocorticoid treatment regulates versican pericellular matrix remodelling during myoblast fusion: implications for muscular dystrophy therapies N.L. McRae, L. Forgan, A. Addinsall, C. Van Der Poel, D.R. McCulloch & N. Stupka | 119P |
Thymosin β4 improves the dystrophic pathology in young mdx mice J. Pittas, V. El-Khoury, S.J. McDonald, J.E. Church & C. van der Poel | 120P |
Thymosin beta 4 enhances myogenesis in vitro but does not confer regenerative advantage on skeletal muscle in vivo following myotoxic injury B.L. Cleeland, V. El-Khoury, S.J. McDonald, C. van der Poel & J.E. Church | 121P |
Glycine supplementation during calorie restriction accelerates fat loss and protects against further muscle loss in obese mice M.K. Caldow, D.J. Ham, D.P. Godeassi, A. Chee, G.S. Lynch & R. Koopman | 122P |
Regulating muscle protein synthesis in human myotubes from young and old subjects with microRNAs E. Zacharewicz, S. Lamon, P. Della Gatta & A.P. Russell | 123P |
Despecification of myogenic C2C12 cells via metabolic reprogramming C.H. Ly, G.S. Lynch & J.G. Ryall | 124P |
Exploring new targets within the TGFβ signaling network as interventions for cachexia P. Gregorevic | 125P |
Invited Lecture | |
Caveolae as mechanoprotective and signaling organelles R.G. Parton | 126P |
Symposium: Cardiomyocyte Ca2+ and Na+ signalling - new mechanistic insights | |
Compartmentalisation and localization - important signaling considerations for cardiomyocytes D.M. Bers | 127P |
Differential arrhythmogenic actions of cardiac CaMKII J.R. Bell & L.M.D. Delbridge | 128P |
CaMKII inhibition as a novel target for flavonol cardioprotection L.S. Silva, J.R. Bell, N.R. Lim, Y.Y. Yeap, C.J. Thomas, O.L. Woodman, L.M.D. Delbridge, C.N. May, S.J. Williams & D.C.H. Ng | 129P |
Oxidative regulation of Na/K-ATPase in the cardiovascular system G.A. Figtree, C.C. Liu, H.H. Rasmussen, Y.B. Liu, E. Aristarkhova, R. Cohen, C. Bursill, K.M. Sweadner & K. Karimi-Galoughi | 130P |
Symposium: New insights into exercise and insulin sensitivity | |
Exercise effects on insulin sensitivity E.A. Richter | 131P |
AMP-activated protein kinase in diabetes J.F.P. Wojtaszewski | 132P |
Exercise, nitric oxide and glucose metabolism G.K. McConell | 133P |
Exercise, GLUT4 and insulin action M. Hargreaves | 134P |
Symposium: Mechanisms and treatments for muscle wasting | |
Molecular mechanisms of muscle atrophy M. Sandri | 135P |
The role of the TGF-β superfamily cytokine MIC-1/GDF-15 in anorexia/cachexia of cancer and other diseases S.N. Breit | 136P |
Novel therapies for reducing muscle wasting in cancer K.T. Murphy | 137P |
Inhibition of TWEAK/Fn14 signaling prevents cachexia in cancer A. Johnston, K.T. Murphy, L. Jenkinson, G.S. Lynch, N. Hoogenraad & J. Silke | 138P |
Free Communications: Cardiac Physiology | |
Atrial remodeling in a murine model of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: implications for atrial fibrillation W.W. Lim, M. Neo, P. Kuklik, A. Ganesan, D.H. Lau, M. Baumert, T. Tsoutsman, C. Semsarian, D.A. Saint & P. Sanders | 139P |
Streptozotocin-induced type I diabetes mediates structural and electrophysiological changes in the rat atria: A substrate for atrial fibrillation M. Neo, W.W. Lim, D.H. Lau, P. Sanders & D.A. Saint | 140P |
Augmented CaMKIIδ activation enhances stress resilience in Ca2+ loaded female aromatase-deficient mouse cardiomyocytes G.B. Bernasochi, J.R. Bell, A.C. Wollermann, A.J.A. Raaijmakers, E.R. Simpson, C.L. Curl, K.M. Mellor & L.M.D. Delbridge | 141P |
The C-26 tumour-bearing mouse model of cancer cachexia exhibits cardiac atrophy, systolic and diastolic dysfunction C.J. Brock, K. Swiderski, K.T. Murphy, C.L. Curl, T. Kennedy, C. Chandramouli, L.M.D. Delbridge & G.S. Lynch | 142P |
Scaffolding domains in cardiac aging: Does caveolin-3 govern age-dependent stress-intolerance? M.E. Reichelt, C.J. Kiessling, M.W. Kidd, I. Niesman, B.P. Head, J.N. Peart, W.G. Thomas, D.M. Roth, K.J. Ashton, J.P. Headrick & H.H. Patel | 143P |
Dynamic changes in the cardiac methylome during post-natal development C.B. Sim, M. Ziemann, A. Kaspi, KN. Harikrishnan, J. Ooi, I. Khurana, L. Chang, J.E. Hudson, A. El-Osta & E.R. Porrello | 144P |
Free Communications: Exercise and Muscle Signalling | |
Thioredoxin-interacting protein inhibits glycolysis and proliferation of myogenic cells J.G. Ryall, M. Phung, C.H. Ly, R. Koopman & G.S. Lynch | 145P |
Effects of endurance exercise intensity on acute signalling responses to subsequent resistance exercise in human skeletal muscle J.J. Fyfe, D.J. Bishop & N.K. Stepto | 146P |
Phosphoproteomics reveals the complexity of the human muscle exercise-regulated signalling network and a novel role for AKAP1 in regulating mitochondrial respiration via AMPK N.J. Hoffman, B.L. Parker, R. Chaudhuri, K.H. Fisher-Wellman, M. Kleinert, P. Yang, S.J. Humphrey, S. Trefely, D.J. Fazakerley, R. Jothi, E.A. Richter & D.E. James | 147P |
Training intensity-dependent regulation of mitochondrial respiration in human skeletal muscle: an effect modulated by the transcription factors PGC-1α, p53 and PHF20 C. Granata, R.S.F. Oliveira, K. Renner, J.P. Little & D.J. Bishop | 148P |
High intensity interval and moderate intensity continuous training improves whole body insulin sensitivity and lowers muscle ceramide content in obese individuals C.S. Shaw, S.O. Shepherd, M. Cocks, N.A. Mellett, P.J. Meikle & A.J.M. Wagenmakers | 149P |
Role of pre-exercise alkalosis on the expression of sarcolemmal proteins involved in muscle pH regulation following a single bout of high-intensity exercise D.J. Bishop, C. McGinley, R.S.F. Oliveira, R. Delfour-Peyrethon, C. Hanon, K. Lambert, N. Molinari & C. Thomas | 150P |
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